The Freelance Philosopher

Blockchain Academy FAQ email


[Subject line: You ask; I answer ðŸ§°]

I always get the same few questions and figured that if 100's of people all ask them, then 1000's are probably thinking them too. For every question left unanswered, your world-class support team is always here.

If you don't have time to read this now, mark it unread, set a reminder, and come back when you can.

>> Watch the "Full-Time Crypto" webinar replay for a lifetime discount

👉 Q1: I'm not a "techie" person. How steep is the learning curve?

I won't lie and tell you everything's easy. Learning a new skill requires us to change how we think, and that's always uncomfortable at first. However: JavaScript Basics is far from rocket science. Anyone can learn to code, just like anyone can learn to express their thoughts logically.

I purposefully built the academy to make it as easy as possible for people like you to start learning at the right place FAST. Experience optional.

The essential variables are your work ethic and study habits. Techie or not, everything will click when you consistently do the work.

>> Watch the "Full-Time Crypto" webinar replay for a lifetime discount

👉 Q2: If anyone can go full-time crypto in as little as two months, isn't the space saturated?

No. Not even a little. Think about it. Only a fraction of humanity is full-time IT, and only a small fraction of that fraction is full-time crypto. There are so many open positions and so few qualified developers to fill them that companies pay yearly salaries up to (and sometimes over) $250,000.

Did you know that LinkedIn - the largest global job market - found that profiles with "Blockchain" as a skill were hired faster than anyone else? Crypto is the least saturated industry on Earth (for now).

>> Watch the "Full-Time Crypto" webinar replay for a lifetime discount

👉 Q3: I was never a good student. What if I get stuck?

If you get stuck at any point - understanding new ideas, learning the grammar and syntax, or completing exercises - you have a team on your side.

Each course has your instructor, teaching assistants, and our community of past and present students. All of us are eager to share the strategies that helped us learn the same material. And once a month, Filip and I host live Q&A's to hang out and answer community questions!

Full disclosure, I wasn't a good student either. I wanted to pursue my interests instead of forcing myself to learn things I simply didn't care about. Thank Bitcoin I did.

This education is voluntary, not mandatory. This isn't high school. No one's forcing you to learn. It's a decision you're making because you want the benefits of a specialized skill.

You don't need to be an A student to succeed. All you need is motivation, work ethic, and at least seven brain cells.

>> Watch the "Full-Time Crypto" webinar replay for a lifetime discount

👉 Q4: We're in the middle of an economic crisis. Why would I spend this money instead of studying on Google, YouTube, or Udemy for a lot less?

Because free/cheap resources, perfect as they are for continued education or initial curiosity, don't truly teach. They present data. It's your responsibility to structure your curriculum and check your work, and that's harder than just studying. Those resources are cheap or free because they don't:

  • Layout the entire learning path for you, preventing knowledge gaps

  • Practice with you to embed the knowledge in your mind, so you actually learn instead of just read

  • Connect you to the industry and community that make blockchain revolutionary

  • Protect you from difficult emotions that lead students to procrastinate or give up

  • Give you portfolio-quality projects so you can show recruiters exactly what they're looking for

Colleges, universities, and boot camps solve these problems for tens of thousands of dollars because of the faculty and environment that enhance your training. 

Combining the guidance of traditional education with the affordability and convenience of self-guided study makes my academy the most cost and time-efficient way to go from no-knowledge to interview-ready. We even include the textbook.

And why now? Because the legacy financial system is crumbling, and it'll either move to crypto or get eaten by crypto; adapt or die.

As blockchain becomes the norm, global demand for industry specialists will only grow. But supply will eventually (5-15 years from now) catch up, and building on Ethereum will be a basic life skill taught in grade school. No one knows how long the opportunities in crypto will last.

>> Watch the "Full-Time Crypto" webinar replay for a lifetime discount

👉 Q5: What kind of opportunities does your academy open for me?

With these skills, you can:

  • Get a full-time job with infinite security and a generous salary

  • Find freelance contracts, gigs, or help your favourite low-cap altcoin

  • Make a good idea real with your own crypto business

  • Add another layer of functionality to all your personal interests and hobbies

No matter your dream, your guidance counsellor will structure your curriculum to match your goals. All you need to do is remember your motivation, embrace challenges as they come, and work hard. Do those three simple things, and I can guarantee your success.

I have such confidence in your ability to go full-time crypto that I want you to simply try the basics without worrying about your investment. If 14 days after enrolment, you still doubt our ability to teach you, we'll give you all your money back - no questions asked.

Risk-free lifetime discount? Yes please!

If you have any questions that I didn't answer here, your dedicated support staff is on call, all day everyday.

To a life of fulfilling financial freedom 🥂