The Freelance Philosopher

Beyond Basics

Quality of Life Lives and Dies by Self-Perception


Relaxation feels good for a reason. It’s our moment to unhook from our responsibilities and, when done right, thoroughly enjoy the present moment of our lives.

But relaxation is only the start of one’s journey inwards. It’s a necessary precursor to introspection, and the start of inner peace.

Your guests can partake in the fruits of life waiting just on the other side of deep relaxation with one master meditation and three fully segmented series:


Why so many series?

While anyone and everyone can (and should) listen to the Inner Peace series, providing psychologically targeted meditations sends your guests deeper level of meditation. This personalized approach leads a richer and more meaningful meditation, creating a meditative experience that transcends relaxation.

From a more practical perspective, you’ll get these series as prerecorded audio tapes. Typically, prerecorded meditations are less effective than sessions lead by a guide because there’s no way to adapt the script to an individuals’ reaction to the meditation. However, by creating psychologically targeted meditations, these audios bridge the gap between a live guide and prerecorded sessions and focusing on the unique journies executives, honeymooners, and celebrities are on. And, of course, your guests are welcome to contact me for one-on-one sessions.